GingerBread Lane
Holding the record in both 2015 and 2014 Guinness World Record for largest gingerbread village (awarded December 2013), GingerBread Lane is a village of buildings and roads, conceived and constructed entirely by Jon Lovitch. The annual display covers upwards to 300 square feet of surface with a height of 11 feet and is made of only edible ingredients, using candy, royal icing, and gingerbread dough. The project takes one full year and 1500 hours to complete, with actual construction beginning in March. In its 20th season, the 2013 GingerBread Lane had 161 houses; weighed more than 1.5 tons; and had an estimated 2350 lbs. of icing, 400 lbs. of candy, and 500 lbs. of gingerbread dough with houses, cable cars, trees, nutcracker guards, train cars, a subway station, trees, signs, and much more. The 2013 exhibition ran from November 17, 2013-January 12, 2014 at the New York Hall of Science in Queens, New York. A second, smaller village was displayed at the New York Marriott at the Brooklyn Bridge. All structures are given away, free, at the close of the exhibition. Since December 2000, GingerBread Lane has also hosted annual workshops for families and after-school programs for children. Each year, Lovitch works with underprivileged and disabled children, shipping GingerBread Lane pieces across the country for those unable to view the display or personally attend the giveaway.
Press Releases
GingerBread Lane in the News
The New York Times, World-Record Gingerbread
The New York Times, From a Bronx Apartment's Oven, a Gingerbread Colossus Rises in Queens
USA Today, 10 great places to see gingerbread houses
Fox News, World's largest gingerbread village wows, but don't be tempted to take a bite